important articles

Save Our Seeds - Dan Barber for the New York Times

functional medicine pioneers

Dr. Mark Hyman
Dr. Sara Gottfried (women’s hormones specialist)
Chris Kresser
Dr. Alejandro Junger
Dr. Isabella Wentz (autoimmunity / thyroid specialist)
Dr. Terry Wahls (autoimmunity / MS)

very wise podcasts

Dr. Mark Hyman - The Doctor’s Farmacy
- Why Making Food Taste Better Makes it Healthier w/ Dan Barber
- Why Food is Better Than Medication to Treat Disease
- How Big Food Acts as an Invisible Form of Oppression
- The Power of Fasting for Longevity
- How Social Media May Be Ruining Your Life
- Treating Mood Disorders with Food
- Should We All Avoid Gluten?
- Reversing MS with Functional Medicine & Food with Terry Wahls
- The Role of the Food Industry in Creating Food Addiction
Oprah - Super Soul Sundays
- Geneen Roth : Conscious Eating
- Jon Kabat - Zin : Mindfulness 101
- Michael Pollan : Eating Consciously
- Pema Chodron : Dealing with Difficult Times
- Brene Brown : Daring Greatly
Chris Kresser - Revolution Health Radio
- Candida : Hidden Epidemic or Fad Diagnoses?
- Will I Have to Follow This Diet Forever?
- A Functional Medicine Approach to PCOS
- What the Heck Should We Eat? with Dr. Mark Hyman
- How To Maximize Your Nutrient Intake
- The Shift From Treatment to Prevention
- The Root Cause of Thyroid Disorders with Dr. Izabella Wentz
- Gut Microbiome and Probiotics
- The Best Ways To Support Diet Change
- Practical Steps to Healing the Gut
Bulletproof Radio
- Reversing Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
- Vegetable Oil : The Silent Killer
- Mitochondria, Health & Vegetables
- Connecting Your Gut & Your Brain
- From Pharma to Functional Medicine
- Hacking Addiction
- His & Her Hormones
- Why Quality Grass Fed Meat Matters for You and the Planet
- Pedram Shojai : The Urban Monk
Other Great Ones
- What We Got Wrong About Nutrition with Dr. Mark Hyman
- Is Detoxing Real? with Dr. Alejandro Junger
- Could Changing Your Diet Heal Autoimmunity?
- Resetting Hormones & Women’s Health with Dr. Sara Gottfried

helpful therapies 2 try

ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet
NAET Allergy Elimination Technique
Al - Anon 12 step meetings

trusted practitioners

Michael Niss - Acupuncturist, Los Angeles
Russell Brown - Acupuncturist, Los Angeles
Dr. Melanie Gisler - Osteopath, Los Angeles
Oasis Family Medicine - Functional Medicine Clinic, Los Angeles

powerful books

Geneen Roth - Women, Food & God and This Messy, Magnificent Life
Dr. Mark Hyman - What the Heck Should I Eat?
Dr. Terry Wahls - The Wahls Protocol (for treating autoimmunity through diet)
Rachel Carson - Silent Spring
Dan Barber - The Third Plate
Michael Pollan - The Omnivore’s Dilemma
Josh Tickell - Kiss the Ground
Jo Robinson - Eating on the Wild Side
Evelyn Tribole - Intuitive Eating

recommended testing

QuestDirect - Order Your Own Lab Tests

essential resources

Thrive Market - wholesale organic goods

important organizations to support

Food Tank - A Think Tank for a sustainable global food system
Grow Good - Nonprofit Urban Farm in Los Angeles growing food for the homeless